30-something skincare enthusiast (some might say, obsessive), currently recovering from her addiction, one step at a time.
Skincare started out as a form of self-care for me, but somewhere down the line, the quest for perfect skin started becoming more stressful than soothing. A year ago, I was stuck in an endless loop—chasing every new skincare trend, must-have product, and “miracle” ingredient, yet never quite satisfied with the results for long. After doing untold damage to my skin, I finally stopped to ask myself one simple question—does my skin really need this? That was when everything changed.
Today, my routine is more streamlined and effective than it’s ever been before, and my skin’s much happier for it too. If you can relate, maybe you’ll join me on my journey to skinimalism. I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog, where I attempt to de-influence you from buying skincare you may not need. If you like what you read, drop me a note so we can connect!